Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INNER FOCUS – “I focus on my spiritual well-being and the changes I can make within. In this way, I maintain a sense of inner peace and harmony, no matter what goes on around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Blue, Number: 3)
SATURDAY: If you carry any expectations whatsoever about this day, you’ll end up being disappointed. Instead, allow things to unfold in their natural order to assure you’ll have a wonderful time! Consider some physical changes you’d like make around your home and then take action under the Aries Moon. Eucalyptus incense or essential oils have the power to calm things down a bit, so light or diffuse some this evening to restore your inner peace.
KEEP IN MIND: Change things around today to honor the Sun’s impending move into Taurus in a few days. Move the furniture, get a makeover, or go out and explore new places!