Today's Leo Horoscope
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)WEDNESDAY: You can rid yourself of frustration if you’ll simply step back to look at the bigger picture! Any blocks that come up at work will actually protect you from moving in the wrong direction, so gracefully accept the limits that get placed on you. The Scorpio Moon will inspire your artistic side to come out and play tonight. Meditate with a rose quartz crystal, as this stone has the power to generate more emotional balance in your life.
KEEP IN MIND: Put your rose-colored glasses in the drawer and pay attention today; believe it or not, reality can be a beautiful thing!