Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of PATIENCE – “I bypass instant gratification and operate from a place of patience. I practice the spiritual disciplines that promote long-term growth and happiness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
MONDAY: Your ability to see life’s struggles as instrumental to your spiritual journey will prove a blessing today, as unexpected challenges are sure to crop up under the Cancer Moon. Remember to keep your sights high, but your feet planted firmly on the ground. Fear is at the heart of any blocks someone is creating in an attempt to slow your movement; honor the power of your tarot card the Hanged Man and stand still, ignoring them until they realize their antics are a waste of time.
KEEP IN MIND: Unexpected glitches are Spirit’s way of keeping you on your toes; trust that your problem-solving skills can straighten things out in a jiffy!