Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of FAITH – “I align with Universal timing and pray, countering frustration with faith. I hold fast to the spiritual truth that all gifts that come from Spirit are worth the wait.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Red, Number: 5)

WEDNESDAY: Be proactive when it comes to your health today; do an internet search for more information or schedule an appointment to address a nagging concern. The Sagittarius Moon can help you address any imbalances in your personal life today, as it restores order through honest and open communication. The Leo Sun will encourage you to share your deepest feelings with a loved one this evening, which in turn, will draw you both closer together.

KEEP IN MIND: You have no idea how things have gotten so out of balance, but this is the day you can equal out the scales of your life.