Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

WEDNESDAY: You should turn your attention to financial matters first thing this morning so you can get a clearer picture of where you stand. A purchase you’ve been considering can be made sooner than you think; shop the internet for a better price. Be patient with a new friend who is too busy to spend time with you now; it’s not personal. Journal under tonight’s Pisces Moon, where you can discover how to break through blocks and get a creative project moving again.

KEEP IN MIND: This might seem like a day of constant blocks, but if you adopt a more spiritual perspective, you’ll see that you’re simply being protected from moving in the wrong direction.