Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through the holidays with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)

FRIDAY: You’ll feel more confident and assertive as Venus moves into your sign today, and with the karmic Libra Moon overhead, get should get ready to take a leap of faith! Once you determine what it is you really want, others will be happy to help you get it, so clue them in. Try to remain objective when a loved one wants to make changes to the holiday agenda, as their ideas have value. In the end, the main thing to remember is that the season is all about togetherness and joy.

KEEP IN MIND: Even though you’re a big fan of change, you could be resistant to it today; it’s not stubbornness, it’s just that you had something different in mind.