Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
THURSDAY: The Libra Moon will awaken the romantic in you, tempting you to daydream the day away. Share your fears as well as your hopes with those closest to you; they’ll respond with the positive affirmations you need. Watch your attitude, as you’re likely to pout if things don’t go your way. Dress in white, as it can help you to be more flexible and accommodating. Meditation can restore your emotional balance, so set aside some time to hang out with Spirit tonight.
KEEP IN MIND: Everyone doubts themselves once in a while; go ahead and poll your loved ones about your fears – they’ll set you straight!