Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of HONESTY – “Honest appraisal will create a shift in my perspective, which is vital to my forward movement. I return to my spiritual center and allow the Universe to reveal the truth.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)

WEDNESDAY: Your best bet is to sit on the fence under today’s Leo Moon, observing rather than acting. Listen carefully to how another is dealing with a problem, and you could discover ways to improve your own situation. Wear neutral colors, as they can help you move past current struggles with an authority figure and at the same time, offer a more objective view of things. The Pisces Sun will bring out your romantic side this evening, much to the delight of your partner!

KEEP IN MIND: Be the spectator today; watching the game from afar will be way more fun than getting tackled!