Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of HONESTY – “Honest appraisal will create a shift in my perspective, which is vital to my forward movement. I return to my spiritual center and allow the Universe to reveal the truth.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
FRIDAY: With Mercury moving into ethereal Pisces today, it might be difficult to maintain your balance. Research all the facts before you confront another, as your emotions could alter your perception of things. An important financial decision can be made with confidence under the Leo Moon, and once finalized, is sure to take a huge burden off your shoulders. Plan to hang out with your favorite friends this evening and catch up, as a busy schedule has kept you from your regular socializing routine.
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll be all over the map today, emotionally as well as mentally. With that in mind, don’t forget to take your “spiritual GPS” with you!