Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of RENEWAL – “Emerging from a season of hibernation, I embrace a new cycle with renewed energy and optimism. I break through stagnancy by increasing meditation to reawaken all my energy centers.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Snake, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)
THURSDAY: The hectic pace of your workweek will ease up today, affording you the chance to bring things back to balance on a personal level. Insist that others meet you halfway on a group project, or you’ll end up doing their work as well as your own. You’ll discover some extra cash you’d forgotten about; put it aside for a rainy day. Romance will be on the agenda under this evening’s sensual Scorpio Moon, so light some musk incense or diffuse essential oils to cast a magical spell over you and your love.
KEEP IN MIND: This could prove a lucky day for you; keep your ears and eyes open!