Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of SIMPLICITY – “I strive for simplicity in all areas of my life. I eliminate the cluttered thoughts and actions that block me from Spirit to create more truth, clarity and peace in my life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)
SATURDAY: Under today’s Aries Moon, unexpected conflicts that arise this morning could force you to put a high-priority project on hold until next week. That’s okay though, as you’ll find it hard to focus on anything but the romantic vibes in the air by the Aquarius Sun. You could run across a financial discrepancy, but closer inspection will reveal it was simply the result of a miscalculation. Remember to practice unconditional love this weekend, and don’t limit your sentiments to just your partner.
KEEP IN MIND: Spirit could throw up some roadblocks to progress today, but since you’re more interested in “making love” than making “headway,” you won’t mind at all.
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