Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of GROWTH – “I see life experiences as the pathway to my spiritual growth. I open my heart to change, faithful it will lead me to a better place.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Pink, Number: 12)
TUESDAY: Although you’re ready to change the world, it’s still not time to act, so practice patience and continue to work on the tasks in front of you. If you keep your eyes and ears open under the Aries Moon new information will alert you as to why things are on hold. Once you get home, shake off the energy you maneuvered through by sharing the details of your day with your partner or a friend. Rose incense or essential oils can open your heart to another, so light or diffuse some this evening.
KEEP IN MIND: Sit tight today; even though you’re ready to move, the Universe isn’t!