Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “I move with confidence, supported by the spiritual power that dwells within me. With Universal backing, there are no limits to what I can accomplish.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Orange, Number: 6)
SUNDAY: You’re ending one cycle and beginning another, so write your feelings down on paper, as it will help you to maintain a clear and objective stance during this transformational process. Carry a piece of jet or onyx with you today, as these stones are ideal for absorbing any negative energy that might come your way. The Virgo Moon may inspire you to play devil’s advocate this evening, as you find yourself challenging another’s opinions, just to see if you can change their mind.
KEEP IN MIND: Agree to allow for a void in your life so that Spirit can fill it with beautiful things!