Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Each day I devote time to strengthening the personal relationships in my life. Unconditional love increases my ability to cherish, nurture, and protect those closest to me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 6)
FRIDAY: It’s time to seek professional advice for a financial or health problem now; what you’ve tried in the past isn’t working. Relationships will take center stage this weekend, so finish obligations and chores to create more freedom of movement. Watch out for idealism or expectation under this evening’s Pisces Moon, or you’re sure to end up disappointed. Meditate with an amber stone before bedtime, known for its ability to access the past, present, and future with ease.
KEEP IN MIND: Pay today, play tomorrow!