Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of VULNERABILITY – “I reveal my vulnerable side, sharing myself openly with others. When I dare to express my human side, I bond with people on the most soulful of levels.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
THURSDAY: Make a decision to walk away from anything that’s not working today; once you do, new opportunities will start to present themselves almost immediately. Don’t let someone else take credit for your accomplishments; blow your own horn! A phone call from a dear friend will take you on a walk down memory lane under this evening’s Cancer Moon. The Scorpio Sun will fill your sleep time with powerful and prophetic dreams; keep a notebook or mini-recorder handy so you can review them later.
KEEP IN MIND: Nature is quick to fill a void, but first, there has to be a void. Let go of anything that’s not working in your life and sit back until Spirit brings you a replacement!