Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of FRIENDS – “I expand my life through companionship. The support and affection of friends bring a deeper understanding of the path of life we all travel.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)
FRIDAY: The Leo Moon will reawaken the optimist in you and clear a path to success today, wherever you go or whatever you do. It could be time for a spiritual tune-up now, so set aside time to meditate, journal, and practice your favorite spiritual activities. You could run into an old lover or friend from childhood this weekend, resulting in a conversation that is sure to stir up some beautiful memories. Lay low this evening to regroup after a rather busy week!
KEEP IN MIND: All systems are go today, so get ready to “blast off!” into a new cycle of advancement and success.