Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
MONDAY: Thanks to the illuminating power of the Aquarius Sun, you be able to see both sides of any situation more clearly today. Remember to take all you hear with a grain (or if necessary, a block) of salt. Let others know how you feel by your actions rather than your words, a reflection of the movement-oriented power of your tarot card this week, the Chariot. Understanding will grow between you and a loved one as you share a hidden aspect of yourself under tonight’s Aries Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t assume others are in tune with your needs today; speak up and ask for what you want!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
TUESDAY: Even though others seem convinced they’re right, you must stand your ground today; thanks to Jupiter’s return to direct motion and Venus’ move into Aries, you’ll be able to do just that! A last-minute change in plans will end up working in your favor, so don’t get frustrated: Instead, embrace it with open arms under the Taurus Moon. Light a few green candles during your evening meditation to discover the higher purpose behind this scattered day.
KEEP IN MIND: Stop! No, wait… Go! Oh brother, just when you start moving in one direction, you’ll get pulled off track – pace yourself and trust in the endless shifts that rule the day.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
WEDNESDAY: You’ll want to take advantage of this spirit-focused day to heal and rebalance under the rejuvenating Taurus Moon. If you devote some time to journaling and meditation, you’ll quickly realize that this cleansing process is vital to changing your future. Once you’ve finished, turn your attention to physical or organizational tasks. These kinds of activities will help to balance out emotions and add a productive tone to the remainder of your day.
KEEP IN MIND: Move a muscle, change a thought. This is the key to getting through a quite confusing day. (Translation – Ease up on the mental gymnastics and just hit the gym!)
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
THURSDAY: The Gemini Moon will awaken the romantic in you, tempting you to daydream the day away. Share your fears as well as your hopes with those closest to you; they’ll respond with the positive affirmations you need. Watch your attitude, as you’re likely to pout if things don’t go your way. Dress in white, as it can help you to be more flexible and accommodating. Meditation can restore your emotional balance, so set aside some time to hang out with Spirit tonight.
KEEP IN MIND: Everyone doubts themselves once in a while; go ahead and poll your loved ones about your fears – they’ll set you straight!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
FRIDAY: It’s playtime! The Gemini Moon will turn your attention to fun and social activities today. Your workload will double over the next two weeks, so embrace this brief opportunity over the weekend to have some fun. Dress in white, as it can clear away needless worry and remind you to enjoy the wonderful gifts and abundance of living in the moment. Loved ones will need your reassurance this evening, so reserve time to listen and support them.
KEEP IN MIND: Last call! You’re about to get really busy, so don’t miss this opportunity to have some fun!
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
SATURDAY: The Aquarius Sun will double the brilliant ideas that pop into your head for the next few weeks; take notes! Promises you make under today’s Cancer Moon will have far-reaching effects, so don’t take them lightly or you could damage an important relationship. When you meditate tonight, burn some sage incense or diffuse essential oils to bring confirmation that the plans you’re ready to put into action are sound and supported by the Universe.
KEEP IN MIND: Choose your words wisely today and don’t agree to anything until you have more information. That way, you won’t have to go back and do things over again tomorrow.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “I expand my intuition by focusing on what is, rather than lamenting the past or speculating on the future. I remember that Spirit is in charge of all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Deer, Color: Red, Number: 2)
SUNDAY: The Aquarius Sun will bring out your generous side, but be careful not to overlook your own needs as you tend to theirs. Even though making sure everyone has what they need gives you a sense of purpose, you could become resentful if you neglect yourself. Balance is the key under the Cancer Moon, so take care of yourself first. Meditate with an amethyst crystal this evening, as it can empower a significant change you’re preparing to make.
KEEP IN MIND: Contemplate all you’ve learned over the last month; then get ready to put those newfound skills into action!