Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of SUCCESS – “I possess the power to manifest all I desire when I act in ways that reflect my intent. I prepare for greater challenges, faithful that Spirit will direct me to new avenues of success.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Blue, Number: 3)

FRIDAY: Forward march! A new sense of confidence will emerge as the Sun moves into Taurus, instilling you with more optimism and well-being. Expect your energy to soar today, as the Virgo Moon inspires you to move on an idea that is dear to your heart. Consider how your actions could affect others before making an irreversible decision, or you’ll be inviting trouble. Balance your finances this evening to discover extra cash you can use for a treasured purchase.

KEEP IN MIND: You hold the key to your future; use it to open new doors to success!