Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of EXPRESSION – “I add power and substance to my dreams by sharing them with others. Expressing them is a vital step toward making them a reality.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Red, Number: 5)
SUNDAY: You must make sure important paperwork or legal documents are in order now, or it could cost you money down the road. Be sure your directions to others are clear, or you’ll end up with a misunderstanding or upset on your hands. The Cancer Moon will bring out your humanitarian side and inspire you to devote more time to helping others. Light one or more yellow candles to speed a healing process tonight, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
KEEP IN MIND: You can’t move forward till you take care of some lingering responsibilities, so make this the day you rid yourself of the past and prepare to move into the future.