Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of SHARING – “I relax and turn the focus to my friends and family. Sharing time with loved ones brings the greatest joy and peace.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
SUNDAY: Start your morning with a meditation of gratitude as Mercury goes direct, to set the tone for the day. You can use the power of the Gemini full Moon to persuade others to alter their plans and join you for some fun and games. It will be hard to resist all the tempting holiday goodies around, so promise yourself you’ll get back on track after the new year. Meditate with a ruby or garnet as you set your resolutions with Spirit, as these stones have the power to help change your destiny!
KEEP IN MIND: Resist the urge to take on too much today; relax, socialize, and have some fun!