Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of PERSPECTIVE – “The blocks I meet with are designed to change my perspective. I acknowledge the Universal law of constant change and align with life as it unfolds.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 6)

TUESDAY: You’ll be forced to run on instinct today, as information is limited and people won’t make any sense. The Gemini Moon makes it essential to trust your intuition, as there’s no way of getting to the facts. Take a break midday and make that phone call you’ve been putting off; you’ll be glad you did! Light pine incense or diffuse essential oils of that scent during your evening meditation to clear out confusing messages and, to help you maintain your emotional balance when a loved one acts out of character.

KEEP IN MIND: Who knows what’s going on with people today? Just keep the focus on yourself until they can figure out what the heck they’re doing.