Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)
WEDNESDAY: It’s time to sort through any emotions and ideas that seem in conflict with each other as Venus Moves into Gemini today; confide in a trusted friend for a more objective perspective under the Aries Moon. Wear earth tones and natural fabrics to retain as much stability as possible. Good friends and lively conversation lighten the mood this evening and put things into a better perspective. Retrace your steps tonight, and you’ll finally locate that elusive object that’s been hiding from you!
KEEP IN MIND: Double-check everything you do, think, or say today, just to be on the safe side!