Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of SHARING – “My relationships blossom as I share my true self with others. I allow the world to see my vulnerable side and in the process, create greater intimacy.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Blue, Number: 5)

SUNDAY: The Pisces new Moon will awaken your free-spirited side, making it difficult to follow plans or keep up with your disciplines. Resist the urge to move outside your comfort zone today, even if you’re presented with an offer that seems too good to pass up. Try not to have a fit when the Universe blocks your movements, or you’ll simply add tension to an already chaotic day. Include an amber stone in your meditation ritual tonight, as it can add power and long-term success to all you do.

KEEP IN MIND: Settle down! You’ll have to turn the reins over to the Universe today, so lower your expectations and trust in the process.