Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of ACCEPTANCE – “When I practice acceptance, it is easier to maintain my joy. When I allow life to unfold according to Spirit’s plan, happiness and contentment fill my days.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Rabbit, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
SATURDAY: The Sagittarius Moon will be intent on improving all your relationships, as it provides higher awareness of how your actions may be affecting others. Balance will be your mantra, so take the time to make sure everything in your world is in order. You’ll be highly effective in getting someone to see reason today, even if previous attempts have failed. Pink has the power to smooth out conflicts between loved ones, so dress in this calming hue tonight.
KEEP IN MIND: Even if you’ve tried certain things in the past without success, give them a second shot; they could work now!