Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “I look for the simple joys in life, focusing on each moment to experience its gifts. I give thanks for the abundance that surrounds me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)

THURSDAY: Restore balance by attending your personal needs first thing the morning; once completed, you’ll be able to focus on creative or self-nurturing activities for the rest of the day. The Pisces Sun will encourage you to reach out to people you haven’t talked with in months. Take it easy tonight and recharge in a quiet atmosphere under the Cancer Moon. To complement the mood, burn some patchouli incense or diffuse essential oils to refresh your outlook.

KEEP IN MIND: Patience is a virtue; if you practice it this morning, you won’t need it for the rest of the day!