Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of CHANGE – “Spiritual awareness is vital to my personal growth. Once I learn the lessons of current challenges, they will dissolve. With Spirit’s help, I can look within to see where change is required.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Chameleon, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

SATURDAY: You could find it difficult to get a straight answer out of people today, but the problem is more astrological than personal. If you can compromise on an issue that’s more important to a loved one than it is to you as Mercury moves into Sagittarius, you’ll regain their trust and strengthen the connection between you. Your intuitive side is operating on high, so trust your instincts when you’re forced to make a decision without all the facts under tonight’s Scorpio Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: People may treat you like you’re invisible today; take advantage and just do your own thing!