Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of PATIENCE – “Blocks that occur this week are designed to protect me from moving in the wrong direction. I practice patience and allow the Universe to indicate when to move and when to stand still.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)

MONDAY: Hidden problems have a way of coming to light today, but once you know about them, they’ll be easier to resolve. A job offer may appear to have great potential, but essential pieces of the puzzle are still missing; investigate it further under the Pisces Moon. Black can diffuse any unfounded drama that comes your way tonight, so dress in this protective color. Your tarot card is the World, which will add power and purpose to any new projects you undertake this week.

KEEP IN MIND: You could find yourself in the midst of an astrological firestorm today; be sure to wear your “spiritual asbestos” outfit!