Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of AWARENESS – “I practice the art of awareness. This strengthens my ability to live in the world with inner peace, spiritual balance, and expanded effectiveness.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: Over the next four weeks, you’ll focus on bringing more joy and beauty to your world, both externally and internally. New opportunities should start to appear on the horizon over the next few weeks, which will inspire you to let go of what you have and set out to get what you truly desire. Sage incense or essential oils can help to cleanse your heart, mind, and home, so burn or diffuse some under tonight’s thoughtful Aquarius Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: This is the perfect day to shift your attention to the future and all that you want to bring into your life over the next three months. All you need is a plan, and Spirit’s backing!