

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

MONDAY: Projecting nonexistent qualities onto another will only end in disappointment, so take care not to make assumptions about a newly developing friendship. You’ll have to practice patience with a family member who tries to make you responsible for their problems tonight; don’t fight with them, but hold fast to your boundaries under the fair-minded Pisces Moon. Your tarot card the World will remind you to lay a strong foundation for the future this week as you prepare to start chasing your dreams in 2024!

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t be thrown off by the illusionary tones of the day; just assume that nothing is as it seems and could change, even as soon as tomorrow!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

TUESDAY: Words of appreciation and affection will come your way when you least expect it, warming your heart under the Pisces Moon. Try to remain patient and supportive as you watch a loved one struggle with a problem you’ve already experienced; they’ll seek you out for advice soon. Meditate with rose incense or diffuse essential oils as you contemplate the wonder of the holiday season as well as what you hope to bring into being in 2024.

KEEP IN MIND: Everything is heart-centered in your world today, as you prepare to move into the holidays and then, into a bright new year!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

WEDNESDAY: Something you lost a month or more ago will reappear this afternoon, and wouldn’t you know it, you just replaced it! You’ll need to stay close to your spiritual center to avoid being thrown off course by unexpected feelings or conflicts that arise. A time of clearing and cleansing is in progress and will require that you keep things simple and low-key. Translation? Relax! Helping others can lift your spirits and restore your outlook under tonight’s Aries Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: No matter what annoyances you face today, the best way to handle them is to ask for spiritual intervention.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

THURSDAY: The Sun will enter Capricorn and mark the start of a new season. Your playful and creative nature will be on the loose under today’s Aries Moon, making it impossible to keep your focus on any one thing. Be sure to get your basic work out of the way early, and then go ahead and put off till next week anything that can wait. Meditate with an opal or moonstone to restore your emotional balance and inner peace this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: No matter what you do today, approach it from a creative angle to make it more fun!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

FRIDAY: Who knew you could have this much fun? Exciting projects and a renewed sense of determination will give you the chance to show off your talents over the next three weeks, a gift of the Capricorn Sun. To give yourself an edge over the competition, approach everything as if it were brand new, because once 2024 hits, it will be! Loved ones tend to act out under tonight’s Taurus Moon; they’re just excited for the weekend to begin.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re more than ready for new beginnings, but first, return your focus to the present and stop to enjoy the weekend ahead!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

SATURDAY: Things could start out in an abrupt and somewhat unsettling manner under this morning’s Taurus Moon. Refuse to let your emotions get the better of you if a loved one displays stubbornness or confusion. Just do the next right thing and keep your focus in the moment. Wear silver as a reflection of the shining hopes and dreams you’re contemplating for the new year ahead.

KEEP IN MIND: Just when you thought things had settled down, chaos resumes. Not to worry though; it’s not a sign of things to come, but rather, a sign of the things you’re ready to leave behind.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)

SUNDAY: Revel in the light-hearted energy that surrounds you and keep things as simple as possible today. Even though everyone else is out shopping or cleaning, that’s the last thing on your mind. Your ability to see both sides of an issue will be crucial, as others always rely on you to help them make the best choice. Everything is in order for tonight, so just relax and enjoy the loving energies and generous spirit under the fun-loving and joyful Gemini Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: This is a good day to dance as if no one is watching, and if they do happen to be watching, just know that they’ll be well impressed with your new “moves!”