Aries Horoscope


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

MONDAY: Be attentive to what others are saying under today’s Aquarius new Moon or you’ll miss important information or directions. Want to end a nagging health problem once and for all? Simply shift your focus away from the symptoms and look for the root cause of your physical discomfort. Your tarot card will be the Lovers this week, inspiring you to open your heart unconditionally to all those around you.

KEEP IN MIND: You could get lost in the chaos today; hold fast to your spiritual center and hang on for dear life!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

TUESDAY: Happy Chinese New Year of the Pig! A business proposal you’ve been considering could carry higher challenges and more responsibilities than you expect, but you’re ready to make a bold move today. When coworkers become argumentative with each other under the Aquarius Moon, they’ll turn to you to smooth ruffled feathers and get everyone back on track. Clove incense or essential oils can surround you with spiritual protection and increase your psychic gifts, so use some during your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: Expect to play referee today, as people insist on putting you in the middle of their squabbles.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

WEDNESDAY: You’ll make great progress today, even if you can’t get completely caught up. Maintain your inner peace by tending to tasks that are exclusively yours, and carry jet or onyx to promote calm determination and success. Under the Pisces Moon, your thoughts will turn to all things mysterious and metaphysical. Spend some time in quiet meditation and let the spirit world share some of its secrets with you!

KEEP IN MIND: A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step; use this same concept to start tackling all the work that’s piled up around you.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

THURSDAY: You’ll find yourself faced with a number of decisions today, all of which require more information. Uncooperative people could cause you some frustration, as others become moody or overly sensitive, which by the way, you’ll have little time or patience for. The Pisces Moon can help you move through the day with grace and fortitude no matter what you encounter. Wear blue, as it will keep your thoughts aligned and make it easier to express what’s truly on your mind.

KEEP IN MIND: Grrr…. Yes, it’s going to be one of “those” days. Brace yourself.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

FRIDAY: You could find yourself being pulled in a number of opposing directions today, making it impossible to get anything done. Honor your creative side through art, music, or dance under the expressive Aries Moon. Physical activity can clear your head of the endless procession of unorganized thoughts that are haunting you; remember, “Move a muscle, change a thought.” Light a few blue candles tonight, known to inspire more intimate conversations with others.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t get caught up in mental gymnastics today – stay out of your head and make physical activity your focus.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

SATURDAY: Wear copper or keep a few pennies in your pocket to attract wonderful things your way today. Your imagination could get the better of you under the Aries Moon; check your facts before making any moves or assumptions. Plan on spending a lovely evening with your significant other or hopping on the internet in search of new love. Just remember, your willingness to practice unconditional love with all those around you is what will make this weekend one to remember!

KEEP IN MIND: The Aquarius Sun has a reputation for encouraging you to look before you leap; make sure to check the facts today!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “The profound power of love surrounds me, filling my heart with joy and hope. I reach out to others with spiritual purpose, uplifting all around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Pink, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: You must quit fighting the emotions that are attempting to rise to the surface as Mercury wades into Pisces today, as they contain important messages you need to hear. If you’ll keep your focus on personal and solitary tasks, you can maintain your emotional balance throughout this moody day. Others will seek you out for advice under this evening’s Aries Moon, as you carry a reputation for doling out practical as well as effective guidance. Get to bed early tonight, as a busy week awaits!

KEEP IN MIND: You could feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster today, but remember, what goes down, has to come up at some point!