

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

MONDAY: You’ll flex your “independence” muscles under today’s Pisces Moon, taking action on your plans despite the protests of others. As long as you are following your heart, you can’t lose! Finding harmony between your visions and reality is a matter of releasing current concepts of how things should work and simply taking a leap of faith. Your tarot card the Hermit will insist you spend more time in meditation this week, sharing your problems with Spirit for the fastest resolution.

KEEP IN MIND: We never know when the answers to our most pressing problems will appear, but today, you’ll have a direct link to the Universe’s “Hotline.”


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

TUESDAY: The Sun will make its annual entry in Cancer today and turn your attention to balancing the heart, mind, and soul for the next four weeks. Translation? It’s time to get back to any disciplines you’ve let slide over the last few months. Organizing and research are the order of the day under the Aries Moon, where you’ll bring a speculative plan into definite form. Dress in black to absorb and dissipate any negative or fearful thinking that might arise under this evening’s Gemini Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re entering a cycle where anything you can dream of you can manifest; go for it!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

WEDNESDAY: It’s time to sort through any emotions and ideas that seem in conflict with each other as Venus Moves into Gemini today; confide in a trusted friend for a more objective perspective under the Aries Moon. Wear earth tones and natural fabrics to retain as much stability as possible. Good friends and lively conversation lighten the mood this evening and put things into a better perspective. Retrace your steps tonight, and you’ll finally locate that elusive object that’s been hiding from you!

KEEP IN MIND: Double-check everything you do, think, or say today, just to be on the safe side!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

THURSDAY: You’ll be faced with several decisions today, and you’ll just have to move with faith when the answers aren’t available. Make sure your cell and blue-tooth are charged up, as you’ll be on the phone and texting more than usual. Doubt or mistrust that arises in relationships is unfounded, so don’t let experiences from the past color your perception. You’ll take a walk down memory lane under tonight’s Taurus Moon, as it evokes special memories from years gone by.

KEEP IN MIND: It’s as if someone turned on a switch today; your brilliance will shine through in all you do!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

FRIDAY: You may feel like you’re running in circles today, but in truth, it’s just the Cancer Sun transforming your spirit to make sure it’s in top form for the adventures ahead. Keep activities to a minimum and the focus on yourself. The Taurus Moon will have you joining a new group, for the express purpose of connecting you to people, places, and activities that add to your emotional balance. Love and romance will fill the air all weekend; be sure to take advantage of it!

KEEP IN MIND: It’s time to get out and meet new people to recharge your social life and inspire your heart!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

SATURDAY: The Taurus Moon will restore your spirit from the inside out this weekend, adding a stronger sense of confidence to all you do. Insist that others take care of their own responsibilities today, so you’ll have enough time to tend to your own needs. Enlisting the advice of a person you admire will pay off immediately, as long as you follow the directives they offer. Light one or more green candles before your evening meditation to restore inner peace and bring relationships back into balance.

KEEP IN MIND: Though you may not be very productive today, the time you share with others will be your greatest joy.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of THE NOW – “Living in the moment eliminates regret of the past or concern for the future. My focus remains fixed on the present, sidestepping unfounded fears that blur my spiritual vision or slow my movements.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 2)

SUNDAY: Make sure all your communications are honest and forthright under today’s Gemini Moon, or you are sure to find yourself in an unnecessary conflict. To add more lightness to your movements and surroundings, clear out a closet or drawer. While you’re at it, there’s a good chance you’ll find something you’ve been looking for for months! Or, something you completely forgot you had! Give yourself permission to relax tonight and regroup; it’s been a busy weekend!

KEEP IN MIND: Maintain your integrity in thought, word, and spirit today by doing the next right thing.