Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
MONDAY: Persistence will be the key to keeping you on track throughout the workday, even though you’d rather be out playing. Don’t panic if you find yourself short of cash today; the Cancer Moon will show you an alternate way to get what you need. Your tarot card the Hanged Man can help you accept the blocks or limitations that arise this week. Spend time with your loved ones this evening, as they have a way of enriching your life in ways money or material goods never could.
KEEP IN MIND: An abundance of spiritual riches surrounds you; keep your focus on those today.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
TUESDAY: You may feel a bit frustrated when the Cancer Moon restricts your movements first thing this morning. Quiet time or a walk in the park may be just what the doctor ordered to get you back on track. Be extra cautious with your money now, and avoid lending to or borrowing from others. Focus on maintaining your internal balance, no matter how chaotic your day gets. A simple solution? Increase your physical activity to restore your inner peace.
KEEP IN MIND: Action is the key to breaking through blocks today, so get moving! (Literally!)
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
WEDNESDAY: The Leo Moon will bring out your social side and have you opting for conversation and adventure over mundane work today. Your intuition is becoming more powerful, so trust the inner voices that direct you now. Avoid someone who keeps trying to steal your energy with manipulation or threats and don’t bother trying to reason with them; your efforts will fall on deaf ears.
KEEP IN MIND: People who steal your time and energy are psychic vampires; arm yourself with “spiritual garlic and silver bullets” today!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
THURSDAY: Mercury will move into Cancer and awaken the humanitarian in you today. You’ll consider taking on a new commitment as a mentor or advisor to a younger person. Under today’s Leo Moon, you’ll need to return some phone calls, texts or correspondence you’ve gotten behind on. Make a few notes before you begin an important conversation with a loved one this evening to help you maintain clarity and balance, and be sure to address them with unconditional love.
KEEP IN MIND: Make sure your cell phone and computer are charged up, as you’ll spend most of your day on one or both of them!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
FRIDAY: Your personal relationships will undergo a magical transformation today as you go in search of deeper and more intimate levels of connection. You’ll want to talk things over with a trusted friend to help you get to the heart of a confusing situation under the Virgo Moon. Once you get their objective opinion, you’ll discover your fears were unfounded. Do a little research on the internet for a new television or computer; you could discover that the one you’ve been eyeing is on sale!
KEEP IN MIND: Illusion has a way of feeding our fears, so today, disable your concerns by getting a second opinion.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
SATURDAY: Today, be mindful of all your communications. If you lower your expectations of others, your day will unfold more peacefully. The Virgo Moon could inspire an indulgent purchase; just be sure you have enough in your account to cover it. The Gemini Sun will inspire you to seek out a new social venue tonight; invite your favorite people to come along. And don’t be surprised when you find yourself making small talk with virtual strangers while you’re out and about!
KEEP IN MIND: It seems the world has been passing you by, so tonight, get out there and see what’s going on!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)
SUNDAY: Watch for moodiness or needless worry, as the Gemini Sun will tend to bring random emotions to the surface all day long. If you spend a few hours on the internet researching your options this morning, you’ll discover a better path to achieving your goals. Keep confidential information to yourself at all costs or an innocent third party could get hurt. Someone will approach you about hosting or planning an upcoming event under the Libra Moon, and you’ll be more than happy to take on the task.
KEEP IN MIND: A little clarity will go a long way, and a spontaneous midday meditation is sure to reveal some interesting new options to consider!