

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

MONDAY: Your powers of attraction are at an all-time high, which will draw new and unusual people your way now and through the remainder of the year. Choose your words with care to avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings under today’s Aquarius Moon. Your creative side needs some encouragement, so take up an activity that reawakens your artistic talents. Your tarot card will be the Tower, a great reminder that it’s always necessary to rid yourself of the past so you can move bravely into the future.

KEEP IN MIND: Whatever you think, you can create now. A word of caution though; be careful what you wish for!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

TUESDAY: You may feel like everything is a major challenge right now, but if you simply change your approach, you can instantly eliminate the sense that you are swimming against the tides. Your ability to see through someone’s illusions will grow stronger under the Aquarius Moon, so trust what your intuition is telling you and act accordingly. Be patient when dealing with family members who seem self-absorbed or scattered, and make a point to steer clear of any rash behavior.

KEEP IN MIND: Honor your soulful side today by sharing your spiritual experiences and insights with others.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

WEDNESDAY: Meditate or journal to bring things into perspective this morning, so you’ll be able to view the future with renewed clarity and optimism. Discussions about change can make those around you uneasy, so choose your words carefully and let your intuition dictate how much to reveal. A phone call or letter you’ve been waiting on will arrive under the Pisces Moon, strengthening your ability to make decisions about the future with confidence.

KEEP IN MIND: Change can make people uneasy, so take a page from Spirit’s book and wait until the time is right to let everyone know what’s going on.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

THURSDAY: Take advantage of the intense Scorpio Sun to focus on intellectual pursuits and research today. When you pause for a moment to consider why you’re feeling resistant to someone’s requests, you could make a surprising discovery! Once you get to the root of the problem, you’ll find yourself more open to their ideas. Take the night off for some downtime and focus on relaxing under the Pisces Moon, as you’ve been working too many long hours this week.

KEEP IN MIND: It’s all about awareness today; tune in and get enlightened!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

FRIDAY: You could awake feeling a bit moody and be tempted to hide out under the covers all day. Never mind what everyone else is doing; simply focus on nurturing yourself and restoring your emotional balance. Delay making an important decision until after next Wednesday, as new information should show up over the next three days. You’ll feel like socializing under the Aries Moon, so if you don’t have plans already, send out a few texts and plan a get-together!

KEEP IN MIND: Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you’ll do today, so instead of ignoring your instincts; follow their lead!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

SATURDAY: The Aries Moon will inspire you to a little soul-searching today, where you’ll make an amazing discovery about yourself! Your spiritual experiences can help others, so consider sharing them more openly today. Light your favorite incense or diffuse essential oils this evening to fill your heart and home with a warm and comforting aura. Be proactive in building your psychic skills by practicing a new divination technique during your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: There’s no problem too big for the Universe to handle; all you have to do is ask!


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESOLUTION – “I turn my troubles over to the Universe for resolution. As I release control, the answers will come, affirming Spirit’s ability to take care of all my concerns.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

SUNDAY: You’ll be able to find a resolution to your most pressing problems today (at last!), a gift of the revealing Scorpio Sun. New insight will come through friends, so share your concerns with them. Use the focusing power of the Aries Moon to make your gift list for the holidays, and then start refining your travel plans. Meditate about all the changes you’ve recently experienced, recounting the trials you’ve been through and the gifts that are now emerging from them.

KEEP IN MIND: When one door closes, try another, and then another – surely one of them will open today!