Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “Authenticity enables me to release expectation and practice unconditional love. I encourage others to be who they truly are, and I enjoy the same freedom.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Green, Number: 9)
MONDAY: Give yourself a break today and stay away from any detailed or demanding work as Mercury turns retrograde. The Capricorn Moon could contribute to the emotional confusion you’ve been feeling as well, so engage in a time of meditation or journaling to help bring things back into balance. Though you may not feel very productive today, internal movement is in progress. Your tarot card this week is the World, which carries the power to manifest healing in the area of health or emotions.
KEEP IN MIND: Take it easy today; even if you have to show up to work, do the minimum and save detailed work for tomorrow.