Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “When I listen to my heart and follow my intuition, wonderful things happen. My eyes are open to the spiritual wonders of the world, both seen and unseen.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 2)
SATURDAY: Hasty actions or misdirected anger could prove costly today, so count to ten before you act or speak. If you find it impossible to hold your tongue, be prepared to make a quick apology later, or minor misunderstandings will turn into major conflicts. The Aries Moon will coax your inner child out to play tonight; indulge in a favorite pastime from childhood. Light lilac incense or diffuse essential oils to draw your spirit guides forward tonight: they’ll reveal great insights during your evening meditation.
KEEP IN MIND: Mind your emotions today, as it will be easy to react when things don’t go your way. The best you can do is stay quiet, so a minor conflict doesn’t become a major battle.