Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of FREEDOM – “I cast off regrets of the past or concerns about the future. As I do, I am empowered with the freedom to live more fully in each moment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Green, Number: 4)

THURSDAY: Even though you’d rather be out exploring the world or meeting new people today, a heavy workload will keep you tied to your desk under the Scorpio Moon. If you attend to the absolute necessities this morning, you may be able to take part of the afternoon off. A loan or debt consolidation package could be the answer to your financial woes, so research your options as Mercury goes direct today. Download some of your favorite “golden oldies” and let them transport you back to the past this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Outer change begins with inner change, so take the time to see where your perception needs to be altered.