Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “I am grateful for the life experiences that are unique to my journey. I give thanks for the abundance in my life and move towards my dreams with hope, optimism, and joy.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Red, Number: 8)
FRIDAY: To make the most progress at work, adopt a flexible attitude and go with the flow. When extra cash comes your way, put it aside for a future excursion or indulgent purchase. The Leo Moon will have you investigating the past tonight, as you go in search of a long-lost friend or lover. Ask for spiritual guidance regarding an important decision you’re facing during your evening meditation, and then sit back and watch the answers appear over the next three days.
KEEP IN MIND: There’s no point fighting the bigger plan in force today; just go with the flow and promise yourself you’ll get back to your list tomorrow.