Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of PASSION – “My heart is filled with passion and excitement, inspiring me to try new things. Spirit will awaken the creative spirit within me, adding more joy and wonder to all I experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Red, Number: 5)

SATURDAY: Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed today, as another’s assistance can restore balance to your world more quickly. Wear earth tones and natural fabrics to keep you grounded and focused. Your phone will be ringing off the hook today, so if you want to make any progress on your own plans, put it on vibrate. If you find yourself having to make a decision without all the facts under tonight’s Gemini Moon, you can rely on your intuition to move you in the right direction.

KEEP IN MIND: Maddening! You’ll feel like you’re taking two steps forward and one step back today; enjoy the dancing!