Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of SPIRITUALITY – “Acceptance and an open mind will allow me to approach the world with more trust and optimism. My unwavering faith in the Universe is a reflection of my deepening spirituality.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

THURSDAY: As movement begins on a new project, a sense of excitement will surround you. Your inner well-being shines out to the world, and others will long to be in your presence just to soak up your optimism today. Wearing gold jewelry can increase your confidence and sense of well-being. Two equally viable choices will hang in the balance tonight; the Leo Moon can help you decide which works best for you.

KEEP IN MIND: Confident, self-assured, and optimistic; no wonder everyone wants to be your best friend today!