Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of SPIRITUALITY – “Acceptance and an open mind will allow me to approach the world with more trust and optimism. My unwavering faith in the Universe is a reflection of my deepening spirituality.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

SATURDAY: Keep your focus on spiritual balance today, as the outside world may seem confusing or frustrating. Amber stones can help you process thoughts, dreams, and new information, as they carry the power to uncover hidden messages. Memories of a past partner could hang around all day, making you feel nostalgic or blue. You may even attempt to connect with this person over the internet or by phone under the investigative Virgo full Moon. If you do, you’ll be met with a wonderful reception!

KEEP IN MIND: Can’t get someone out of your mind? Go ahead and search the internet to see if you can locate them.