Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “Discipline creates more stability and balance in my world. I acknowledge the Universe’s help as I devote time each day to building a more secure future.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)
MONDAY: Don’t be surprised if people call you on the carpet today, as the truth is, you’ve been slacking off! It’s time to get back on track and fulfill your obligations. The Pisces Moon will convince you to forgive a debt and simply chalk it up as an important life lesson; you knew all along it would never be paid back. An unexpected phone call or email will arrive this evening, connecting you to someone you haven’t talked to in years! You’ll feel more spiritually focused and centered this week, a gift of your tarot card the High Priestess.
KEEP IN MIND: It doesn’t matter if no one else is honoring their commitments today; you have to!