Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “Discipline creates more stability and balance in my world. I acknowledge the Universe’s help as I devote time each day to building a more secure future.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

THURSDAY: Coworkers may seem especially uncooperative today, but you can diffuse their resistance with humor and a light-hearted attitude. The Taurus Moon will have you contemplating love and family relationships, looking at all angles to get a clearer picture of where you stand. When you witness a friend behaving in irresponsible ways, confront them. Your finances are starting to balance out thanks to your diligence and willingness to bypass instant gratification.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll have to be the peacekeeper today, as everyone seems to be acting in erratic ways.