Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of HARMONY – “I restore harmony by going within to recharge and rebalance my spirit. Hand in hand with the Universe, I manifest the best that life has to offer me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

MONDAY: You’ll see many signs that new doors are beginning to open for you as the Sun moves into Leo today, but there’s still some final closure that needs to take place. You could experience something of an identity crisis today, so consider a make-over, add a few essentials to your wardrobe, and make some changes to your decor to capitalize on the spirit of your tarot card this week, Transformation. Under the inspiring Aquarius Moon, you’ll find yourself more willing to let go of outdated commitments you’ve been holding onto in exchange for the new ideas and activities that inspire you.

KEEP IN MIND: Internal transformation is your thing, but today, see what you can update in your outer world to manifest profound change!