Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of HARMONY – “I restore harmony by going within to recharge and rebalance my spirit. Hand in hand with the Universe, I manifest the best that life has to offer me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

SUNDAY: You should make your own needs a priority today to restore your spiritual and emotional balance under the Taurus Moon. You might ask for a loan to counteract a financial shortage; another option is to post items online or hold a garage sale to turn unwanted items into cash. Green can open your heart to new levels of commitment, so dress in this hue or pick up a new plant for your home or garden. Your gift for prophecy will show itself tonight as you receive a glimpse of the future during your meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: There’s all kinds of money hidden in your house, so go on a treasure hunt today; and, while you’re at it, clear out the rest of the clutter that can be turned into cash.