Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of ACCEPTANCE – “I surrender to current limitations and increase my faith in the Universe. When I accept what is, I give Spirit permission to move me forward to all that could be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Blue, Number: 2)
THURSDAY: Taking care of other people’s needs will be a focus today, as your nurturing side emerges for expression. Your finances can be improved with a more structured budget, so do a little research to determine where new boundaries are needed. In the meantime, light green candles around your house, as they can attract in additional cash. The Capricorn Moon will amplify your psychic senses, making it easier to put your divination talents into practice.
KEEP IN MIND: Reaching out to others is a reward in itself, so today, look around to see who can use your help.