Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of OPTIONS – “Recognizing patterns from the past helps me release old ways and become open to trying different options. I seek spiritual guidance as I proceed into new and unknown territory.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)
THURSDAY: You’ve been promising to make a start on that creative project, and now is the time! Don’t let distractions keep you from your commitments though; if necessary, close the door to your office and take your phone off the hook. You’ll discover a bill you forgot to pay this afternoon, so be sure to take care of it immediately. Someone from your past will track you down on the internet under the Taurus Moon; you’ll be surprised to discover how often you cross their mind!
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll have to stand your ground today; otherwise, you’ll get nothing accomplished.