Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “My spiritual perspective illuminates the endless joy surrounding me. I release expectation to focus on the beautiful gifts of my life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Green, Number: 4)
TUESDAY: You’ll experience a sense of rebirth as the Sun moves into Aries today, marking the start of a new season and the Astrological New Year. Celebrate the new season by making a list of all you’d like to accomplish over the next three months. Wear indigo, as it can help you to calm scattered thoughts and maintain your emotional balance as the day unfolds. Issues with a friendship will be on your mind under this evening’s Cancer Moon; reach out to them and see if you can get it sorted.
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t let an upset with a friend go on any longer; be the first to reach out and bury the hatchet.