Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “My spiritual perspective illuminates the endless joy surrounding me. I release expectation to focus on the beautiful gifts of my life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Green, Number: 4)
WEDNESDAY: Upsets are likely to arise due to miscommunication today; address them as soon as they appear. Copper carries the power to ground your movements and keep you from short-circuiting when things go awry, so be sure to wear some or carry a penny in your pocket today. Your analysis of a situation is accurate, so feel free to express how you feel or change what you’re doing. Your evening hours will be filled with great conversations that uplift your heart and spirit, a gift of the Leo Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: You have a tendency to put your foot in your mouth today, so think carefully before you speak!