Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of VIBRANCY – “I eliminate clutter of mind, heart, and spirit to reclaim my personal vibrancy. After a spiritual cleansing, I can turn to face a new future, bright with promise.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

MONDAY: New information will alert you to where your thinking has been off-center when Mars moves into Aquarius today. The good news is, what you learn will prevent you from going down a path that leads nowhere. The Gemini Moon will enable you to make an important decision intuitively, even if all the facts are still out. You can trust in the intuitive urgings of your tarot card the Empress this week, so feel free to take a leap of faith!

KEEP IN MIND: Time to shift gears today; when blocks or delays crop up, take them as signs to step back and regroup.