Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of CONTENTMENT – “I manifest inner contentment by acting with integrity. I wait for spiritual guidance and move when directed, trusting that all is as it should be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Green, Number: 4)

TUESDAY: You may find yourself overwhelmed today when responsibilities begin to mount. Make a priority list and keep your focus in the moment to avoid a sense of panic or frustration. Wear red, as it can help you maintain steady and consistent movement, no matter how many things fall on your plate. A loved one will offer you an attentive ear under this evening’s Capricorn Moon, and thankfully, you’ll be able to blow off a little steam that’s been building since the weekend.

KEEP IN MIND: It always helps to share your frustrations with others; that way, they won’t seem so big after all!